Policies Information
The following policies are implemented to protect customers and employees in relation to Catering To A T. Before sending a request to book, please read over this information as it is pertinent to all bookings and services regarding Catering To A T.
Catering Menu Information
When booking, clients will first receive a budget outline that contains the menu, information regarding the event, and an outline of the products and services given to the client. By paying a deposit, the parties have agreed to the menu attached as well as any dietary concerns being followed and payment to be received accordingly. The caterer reserves the right to make small changes to the menu if key ingredients are unable to be sourced due to reasons beyond the control of the parties. Caterer is not responsible for any dietary information that was not outlined on the budget by the client.
Coordination with Venue for Event Planning
Clients must provide a venue contract at the time of booking Catering To A T for catering and event planning services. Caterer will need to have access to the venue in order to perform services outlined in the budget. The time that the catering and event planning team will need will be charged to the client per the payment information outlined in the venue contract. The caterer reserves the right to stay within the time guideline outlined in the venue contract. Client is solely responsible for all costs and/or deposits relating to use of the venue, and for obtaining any necessary permissions, authorizations, or other requirements of the caterer providing services at the Venue.
C. Insurance and Indemnification
Caterer has, or will obtain, general liability insurance relating to the services and products provided for the event. However, the client will indemnify and hold the caterer harmless for any damage, theft, or loss of property occurring at the event. However, the client is responsible for any damage, theft or loss of property belonging to the caterer.
D. Legal Compliance
Catering To A T will work in compliance with all applicable local health department rules and regulations relating to food preparation and food service.
E. Payment Terms
In exchange for the services of Catering To A T as specified in the catering budget and outline, the client will pay to the caterer the amount specified in the outline per the dates and time provided. The amount per person attending the event must be confirmed no later than one week in advance of the date of the event in order to have pricing changed to reflect the new count. By submitting a deposit, the client agrees the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE unless agreed upon otherwise.
F. Cancellation
If the client needs to cancel the event, the client must provide written notice to the caterer along with any required cancellation fee as described in the catering outline budget. Client understands that upon entering into this contract, caterer is committing time and resources to this event and thus cancellation would result in lost income and lost business opportunities in an amount hard to precisely calculate. Therefore, the following cancellation limitations will apply.
If a client requests cancellation of the agreement at least 30-44 days before the event, the caterer shall be entitled to refund 25% or more of the estimated total cost, minus a percentage of the deposit.
If a client requests cancellation of the agreement at least 45-90 days or more before the event, the caterer shall be entitled to refund 50% or more of the estimated total cost, including a percentage of the deposit.
If a client requests cancellation of the agreement less than 30 days before the event, the client agrees that the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and can apply the deposit to another booking within 90 days of the date of cancellation of the event.
G. Limitation of Remedies
If the caterer cannot fulfill its obligations under the catering budget and outline for reasons outside of its control, the caterer may locate and retain a replacement catering company at no additional cost to the client, or refund the client’s money in full. Caterer will not be responsible for any additional damages or compensation under these circumstances.
H. Resolution of Disputes
The parties agree to not post any negative information about the other arising out of this catering outline and budget and/or event on any online forum or website without providing advance written notice of the intended content thereof and providing the other party with an opportunity to resolve any issues between the parties amicably.